Preparing Your Little One For A First Eye Exam


While adults know that eye exams are easy and painless, it's easy to forget that the experience can be intimidating for children. If it's time for your child's first eye exam, here are a few things you can do to make the visit go a bit more smoothly.

Schedule Back-to-Back Checkups

One way to make your child see how easy an eye checkup can be is to schedule appointments for both you and your child. Arrange to have your exam first, and let your child stay in the exam room with you. He or she will see everything that happens and know that the experience will be just as easy as yours is. It's a good idea to discuss this with the optician in advance, as you may want to opt out of having your eyes dilated or having a glaucoma test. These two tests might be a bit scary for your little one, and you can always arrange to have them completed later.

Visit The Library

Preparing your child for what to expect at an eye checkup can be as easy as checking out a few books from the library. Look for books that talk about a child's first checkup, and read the books together in the days before the exam is scheduled. Books with lots of pictures can help illustrate exactly what the experience will be like, which can give your child added peace of mind.

Bring A Favorite Doll

A favorite doll or stuffed animal can provide some comfort during the exam, and an understanding optician may even be willing to give the doll a "checkup" with your child. This can be a great way to introduce your little one to the experience of having his or her vision tested, and it can make the experience a bit more fun as well. If your child doesn't have a favorite doll, consider purchasing one that has a pair of glasses. This can be a great help if you suspect your child will need glasses, as it gives him or her a friend with the same need.

If possible, look for an optician that specializes in caring for children. Some practices will have kid-friendly vision charts and even pint-sized exam chairs that can make the experience less intimidating. Even having a kid-friendly waiting room with coloring books and toys can help put your little one's mind at ease before the visit begins.


16 April 2018

Improving Your Look

After I started paying more attention to what people were wearing to work, I realized that a lot of the folks who were taken seriously were wearing glasses. I decided that it might be time to improve my look with a great pair of frames, so I set out to find a nice pair of glasses. I talked with my eye doctor about my vision, and it turned out that I needed to invest in a new pair of glasses anyway. This blog is all about improving your look with glasses and knowing how to tell the difference between frames that would improve your appearance and glasses that might make you look strange.